This blog post is probably written more for myself than for anyone else. I am the absolute worst at taking time for myself. This doesn't mean that I am some selfless individual who puts others before herself 100% of the time, goodness I wish that was true. It means that when I get a free minute I usually spend it doing things that can wait instead of doing things that would make me happy.
For example: in the last week my girls have taken a nap at the same time exactly once. Actually, I don't even know that Adeline slept because it sounded like she was playing the whole time, but it was time I had to myself, me time. I had the world at my fingertips for 2 solid hours. I could have done almost anything. Read, scrapbooked, took a nap. Instead I found myself doing another load of laundry, cleaning the kitchen counters for the second time, picking up the toys that were scattered around the living room, and paying bills. For two solid hours I spent my time doing things that could have waited. There really wasn't any reason that I couldn't have been doing these things while my girls were awake. Adeline likes to help me fold clothes, I let her wipe the counters from time to time. They could have waited, but instead I wasted my precious me-time and used them to do mindless chores that, when finished, didn't make me feel any more peaceful, accomplished, or happy.
I did an inventory the other night after being told for 5,356,181th time to "make sure to take time for yourself". I know that these people don't mean any harm when they say it. I know that they are recalling a time in their lives when they were living the same way that I am now, minute to minute, mess after mess, tantrum after tantrum (this describes my days at school as well). I know that they are speaking from experience that we need to take time for ourselves because it's way too easy to get caught up in the day to day and forget about numero uno. The problem with actually taking their advice is that the reality is that I have two very young children who ask demand my time. All of it.
The thing is, I am at my best when I have taken a few moments just for me. I think more clearly, I am more productive, and I am an overall happier person. Even though I try to convince myself that taking time for myself is a selfish act, and an undeserving one in my role as a mother, wife, teacher, friend, etc; I find that in the times I give myself the okay to be a little selfish everyone around me is happier as well. As women we need to let go of the mommy guilt, the wife guilt, the girlfriend guilt, whatever guide of guilt you are carrying around that keeps you from going out and taking a few moments to yourself. We need to embrace that this life is also ours to live. It is not solely wrapped up in our husbands or kids or families. We have to make time to make our own memories and dream our own dreams. Life is still waiting for us when we get back, believe me, but those few precious moments that are spent doing something we enjoy...those are the magical ones.
When is the last time you took time just for you? I challenge you to find the time, no matter how loudly your guilt speaks in your ear, and lay aside the Tide and the Windex and the Lysol wipes and take time just for you. You need it.