I can't believe that I am already writing you this letter. How is it possible that you have been in our lives for 365 days, a whole year. I could throw around words like "It seems like yesterday", "How time flies', but those wouldn't be true. I can't believe it's been a whole year but at the same time, it feels like you have always been here. As much as we thought your big sister changed our world, you, baby girl turned it upside down! From day one you wanted to assert yourselves as independent and different from any other baby in the house. Your daddy and I joke around that the reason God gave you red hair is so that we would have no doubt about how you fit into our family from the very beginning. You are the strong-willed one. You scream when you get mad. You thrust your little fist out and grunt when you want more milk or more food. You don't just cry, you cry!
Oh but you are so so good. You smile all the time. When I go into your nursery each day you jerk awake from the sound of the door and start rolling around and pulling yourself up. You smile and laugh and coo as soon as I walk into the room. That is my favorite thing about you. You love me so much. At times it can be overwhelming, especially the times when Mama needs a break, but I hold on to you as you cling to me because I know that much sooner than I would like, you are going to be pushing yourself away.
The first 6 months of your life were so challenging. You are so much different than your sister. You had belly problems, you cried so much more, and sleeping...well that didn't really happen until your 7 month birthday. While we were living in those moments it seemed like they would never end, but here we are, 12 months into your life and you are not just living, you are thriving. You hate crawling so you just scoot everywhere you want to go. You love standing and walking and following your sister around. You love food! Anything and everything. Your favorite snack right now is puffs and we can't keep them around long enough. You love being outside and I love watching your discover things for the first time.
As much as you love me and your daddy I am positive you love your sister even more. You scream with excitement when you see her and you follow her around everywhere she goes. I am so excited so see what this next year brings for the relationship between the two of you. Your personality is starting to really shine through and I think you are going to have a sneaky side to you. You are also starting to pick up some words and you imitate lots of things you hear.
Life is good with you in it sweet girl. You added another element to our family that we didin't even know we were missing. You were the missing part. Your fiery red head came into our world and showed us that even though life was great without you in it, it is magical with you here.
Your name is such a powerful name Eleanor. Each night while Daddy is putting your sister to bed, I hold you close and pray the same two prayers; "Dear Father, protect my girls from the tops of their heads to the soles of their feet and everything else in between." and "Help me to teach them courage, compassion, independence, and strength." I don't think you are going to struggle with these areas. I think you are going to be all of the above and more. Even at such a small age you blow my mind with the strength and compassion that you posses. You are going to live up to your name in every way imaginable and I can't wait to watch it happen.
Thank you for letting me be your Mommy. Happy Birthday little bit.