It's a crazy feeling. These last few weeks have been crazy! Landen and I have been writing business plans, setting budgets, and I have been making a lot of lists and crossing off less things as I have liked.
I have already met some amazing people! By taking some chances I have met some really awesome people in the crafting community and it has led me to an awesome collaboration with Carrie Elias for my An Intentional Christmas e-course!
It is scary as heck! I feel like I am running around in circles. I am constantly double checking my blog, researching how I can drive more traffic to my blog, feeling frustrated when things aren't selling, and overall freaking out wondering if this thing is ever going to get off the ground.
Three are a lot of late night...a lot! Landen always said that if I really had the motivation it would most likely require some sacrifice of sleep. Right now my schedule looks like this: wake up around 6:30, go to work, come home and make dinner and play with the girls. After they go to bed (around 9:00) I head upstairs and work until around 2. It's long hours but I am loving the feeling that accomplishment is bringing.
I am reading A LOT of great books. Some of the ones that are really speaking to me right now are The Boss of You: Everything A Woman Needs to Know to Start, Run, and Maintain Her Own Business, HeadTrash: Cleaning Out the Junk that Stands Between You and Success, and Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving with Grace. The last one is an great book that is both deep and hilarious all at the same time!
I am allowing myself to dream. The great thing about starting a business is that you are doing just that....starting! I know that I am going to have lots of ups and downs along this amazing journey. I am not looking to replace my current income anytime soon (although if that happened, I wouldn't complain). I am aware that I am going to have to say yes to some things I don't want to do and no to somethings I really want to do. I know that the late nights are just beginning. But I am so excited! I am so excited to create and to share and to take chances. I feel this insane exhiliration that can only come with doing something that my gut feels in right!
Thank you for following along with me on the crazy ride!
*Don't forget that my mini books are on sale right now until the end of November! Head here to check them out!